Fall Céilí Dance
Riley School is pleased to again present a Céilí Dance this Fall Quarter. Come dance with us.
Invite your family and friends, and share our
Facebook Event
A céilí is a social gathering, which historically might include sharing stories, songs, and poems as well as dancing. In recent years the céilí has focused more on dancing, and specific céilí dances and styles of céilí dance have developed.

Our céilí will be led by a caller
- Allison Duvall of the
McTeggart Irish Dancers
- who will teach dances and help dancers keep track of what to do.
Most dances are performed in sets (like square dances) or lines (like contra dances) rather than individual partner dances.
Live music for dancing will be provided by the Riley School's own Céilí Band, led by Rick Boyce.
We ask dancers to bring snacks to share; we will take a break after an hour or so to eat, then dance some more!
Doors open at 4:30 PM and dancing will start at 5 PM
Where :
Tickets :
- Adult tickets are $11.37 online or $10 cash at the door.
- 12-and-under tickets are $6.20 online or $5 cash at the door.
- No charge for babies.