New Student Information

Welcome to the Riley School community!
We ask new students to please review this information about the Riley School. Existing students might learn some things too!

Fleadh contestants

General Information

The following links contain information that will help you become a vital member of our community.

New Harp Students

If you are a new harp student and you plan to rent a harp, it is essential that you contact us prior to the first day of classes so we can arrange to have your harp ready for you to play. Please contact before registering.


If you are new to Riley, the only contact information we have for you is the email associated with your PayPal account. If you would rather receive our emails at a different address, please let know.


There is lots of information that needs to be shared with our community: events, opportunities, weather cancellations, calendar changes, etc. The best ways to find out what is going on are: listen to announcements at lunch; read the Riley School newsletter in your email inbox; check this website [ ] and Riley's Facebook page.


Sometimes we must cancel school due to weather and road conditions. Since some of our students and teachers live as far as 2 hours away, we must make a decision based on the region, not just on your street. If you have any suspicion of a snow cancellation, CHECK YOUR EMAIL, or Riley's Facebook page. Cancellation of classes will be announced by 7 am if we decide it is necessary. We adjust our calendar to accommodate make-up days.

Missed Classes

If you need to miss a class, it is courteous to let your teacher know. Use the teacher email addresses on the Schedule and Contact pages, or whatever communication method you and your teacher have agreed on. If teachers need to miss a class, they will try to arrange a substitute teacher. However, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR TEACHER HAS YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION in case of last-minute changes.

Still have questions?

For more information:
  • Call the school at (513) 549-3780
  • Send email to
  • Visit our Contact Page to send an email to a specific instructor
For additions or corrections to the website, please send email to